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Massage therapy may be beneficial after a tummy tuck procedure as it helps speed up the healing process. Although many are surprised to hear it, a massage can help reduce scarring, soreness, swelling, pain, and stimulate tissue regeneration. It is important to wait for at least two weeks before resuming massage therapy post-surgery to give your body enough time to heal.
When visiting a massage therapist for post-tummy tuck massages, be sure to inform them about the surgery and ask if they are comfortable with providing this type of service. As with any type of massage therapy, it is important to let your therapist know about any special needs or triggers you may have before beginning the session.
Do you need massages after a tummy tuck? Of course, you don't need to get them, but many people find that postoperative lymphatic massage can help significantly with the healing process by improving the drainage of fluid from areas where the surgery was performed.
Postoperative lymphatic massage is a type of massage therapy specifically designed for patients who have recently undergone plastic surgery, such as a tummy tuck. This type of massage is important because it helps reduce swelling, which is a common side effect of surgery.
During a postoperative lymphatic massage, the therapist will use specialized techniques to stimulate the flow of the lymphatic system around the area where the surgery was performed. This helps to reduce the amount of fluid that accumulates in the area and aids in the healing process. During this massage, it is important to remember not to use too much pressure as this could cause further damage.
At the end of the massage, your therapist will provide you with instructions on how to maintain the area and what type of exercises and stretches you can do to help promote healing. Massages are generally not recommended until a specific point following the surgery, but you should always consult your doctor before starting any type of massage therapy.
Massages after a tummy tuck can also be beneficial as they help to reduce the amount of discomfort you experience. Massages have been known to reduce swelling and soreness, making it easier to move around and perform everyday activities. Massages can also help with improving the appearance of scars, as well as enhancing your posture.
If you're like most, you'll probably wonder how to massage after a tummy tuck. Well, the professionals who perform these massages typically use special techniques to help reduce scarring and increase circulation. You may also be asked to perform light stretching exercises, which can help improve your range of motion.
A massage after a tummy tuck may also include techniques such as trigger point therapy, deep tissue massage, and myofascial release; these special techniques help to reduce inflammation and can improve your comfort levels.
When seeking a massage in Tucson, you will want to research the facility's reputation and the qualifications of its massage therapists. Make sure that any professional whom you work with is licensed and insured, and that they are experienced in the techniques you want to use.
While you don't need a massage after a tummy tuck, it can be beneficial and may help to improve your results. If you feel discomfort or tightness in any of your abdominal muscles or tissues, consider seeking professional massage therapy to improve the healing process and reduce pain. It can also be beneficial for overall relaxation and stress reduction. Regardless of which type of massage you choose, make sure that it is performed by a licensed professional who has experience in treating people after an operation!
Phone: (520) 809-6955
Email: NovumMassage@gmail.com
Address: 6700 North Oracle Road, Suite 501 Tucson, Arizona 85704
Mon - Sun: 9:00 AM - 7:30 PM
By appointment only